What your support has made possible

Kenya Service Trip 2023 – Bikidzaya & Maoro, Kenya

The Grant Victor Africa Service Team completed the 2023 visit to Bikidzaya & Maoro, Kenya. With construction completed, we celebrated our shared achievements with the local villagers and held a handoff ceremony. To learn more about this years activities and the improvements your donations provided to these communities, please read the blog posts, and watch the above video. On behalf of Grant Victor Cares, thank you for another incredible year!


We believe in education. Grant Victor Cares is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to children in parts of the world where little opportunity exists. Grant Victor Cares is a 501c3, non-profit charitable organization. 100% of donations are put directly to use in parts of the world where educational infrastructure is inadequate.

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Grant Victor Cares

Creating educational opportunities around the world