September 11, 2022Veroni Family and Friends –
Today was our last full day here. We head home tomorrow afternoon. It is crazy how fast our time here has gone. We will be sad to say goodbye to so many of our friends here. At the same time, we have packed so much into the past 2 weeks. By the time we leave tomorrow, we will have gone to 6 different schools and 4 dispensaries–The most places ever visited in the past 7 years of Grant Victor Cares trips. Our team is incredibly grateful for all of the opportunities we have had and hope that the supplies delivered and time spent will be meaningful to the people in those places. To say we are both happy and exhausted would be an understatement.
Today we first went to Mawemabomu to check in on the progress of the groundbreaking earlier this week. We were AMAZED! The crew was working so hard and so fast we were blown away. They use no machinery and we watched them work all by hand. Some men mixed cement with water and gravel, drew water, transported water, and others poured cement into the ground to make the foundation. They are hardworking people. For a few minutes, several members from our team helped them with the work and we were so impressed with how the crew could do that all day. In another “impromptu act,” Steve announced that we would be buying the workers’ lunch. The construction is coming along great and we are hoping that it will be done in the coming months!
After that, we went to the handing over of Kamoti Secondary School in Buni. It was a big deal as the area Minister of Parliament – Mr. Kamoti – the school’s namesake (and the son and brother of our host family) was there. Last week, we had the opportunity to paint a mural on the side of the school, a project which was headed up by Kyle and Tori. We arrived at the school and were greeted by the students. This is only high school we visited this trip, and it was cool to see the similarities and differences between the ceremonies there and at the primary school. We sat down and waited for the MP to arrive, at which point we got meet him. He was very kind to us all and is committed to this school. They did a program, which included some traditional dances as well as a more modern number of boys singing to a track. After the program, we had speeches.
Mr. Kamoti gave a speech commending Koins for Kenya for how well known and well-loved they are as well as acknowledging how critical the Grant Victor Cares support has been. Steve and Burt gave speeches encouraging kids to focus on education and expressing their faith in them and their ability anything they want to be. Ben gave a speech in which he told the students about the significance of Judah Rawson’s contributions last year. As you may remember, one of the classrooms of this secondary school was named after Judah. Ben also announced the addition of a classroom and a latrine that will be funded by Grant Victor Cares. Tori gave a beautiful speech in which she presented the mural and explained what the meaning behind the mural, our love for the area, and the people who live there. They also gifted us with a live goat. We then turned over the colorful mural, new classrooms, and a latrine. Brooklyn, Kate, and Jeff helped to cut the ribbons. It was a great celebration. Everyone was so thrilled about the new school, which currently has 35 students, but is expected to quickly grow and flourish.
It has been an amazing 10 days!! Our team has grown really grow close and one of the best parts has been that we have had this experience together. Riding in vans, having inside jokes, and serving others together has really unified us. We are going to miss all the amazing people here and each other. Having this opportunity to help so many clinics and schools has been so incredible and this has been an unforgettable trip. Thanks for your love and support!
Kate and Kenya 2021 Team
Addition by Brooklyn:
Today’s special shout out is: Kate! Kate is today’s special shoutout because she helped us made our mahandos, which is a skirt made from a kanga. Kate watched the girls and learned how to make them and then made them for the rest of the girls in the group. She also comforted all of us when we were scared to get the covid test. She also rode the camel like a champ! We all love Kate.