2024 Service Project Kithengwani, and Bengoni Primary Schools, Kenya.
September 23, 2024
Jambo Rafikis!
Our joyous journey has officially taken off and I can honestly say after 35 hours of arduous travel, we all are ending our first day with broad smiles across our face. We mirror the pure joy and kindness of every person we met throughout the day and one can’t help but to be overcome with gratitude for their overwhelming hospitality and love for their fellow man- both stranger and neighbor. We are so blessed to be among such pure souls who have graciously taken us by the hand and shown us the beauty of life in Kenya.
What better way to enjoy the white sandy beaches of Mombasa than by on the back of a camel?! Dipping your toes in the perfect temperature of the Indian Ocean and being awkwardly hoisted up to a camels back is a great way to get the blood flowing in the morning- I recommend the chance be taken at any given opportunity! Coffee will not be required once that camel folds its fronts legs down and you nearly fall head over heels off its back- that invigoration is enough to awaken any weary traveler, no matter the lack of sleep the night before
Lunch followed our beach excursion at the lovely open air Voyager resort where one gets to have the rare opportunity to eat Barracuda! There may be an odd monkey or cat that comes to visit to assist you in your meal, however they left us to our own devices…this time!
With full bellies, so began our breezy van ride through the busy streets of a Saturday in Mombasa to head towards our accommodation at the wonderful Mama Kamoti’s. *Fun Fact* Our driver’s “conductor” Nixon, taught us that Kenyans work a half day on Saturdays, hence the (terrifying) traffic we were amongst. The drive up the dirt road through the humble mud homes brought us to our hosts beautiful home where we briefly had a very warm reunion with the Kamoti family. Hugs were given in abundance and to all with arms! We swiftly offloaded our supplies and bags, donned our new “team Grant Victor Cares” soccer uniform and headed to our very important football tournament that we were “very” confident we would win 
A tradition sprung up 3 years ago when the Grant Victor Cares team was driving back to Mama Kamoti’s after a very long day in the villages when the spotted a group of women playing soccer on the dirt fields just off the road. The team decided they needed to pull over and meet these athletes and contribute a new ball for their games, and the rest, they say, is history. Every year since, the GV Team visits these women and their families in the villages and plays a game with them- our 3 pm match was one for the history books- the Black Lions vs The Simba Weupe! (The White Lions) After rigorous warmups, the match began. We are so honored to have met with them again this year and once again be immersed in their unyielding kindness and joy. The feeling of stepping out of the van and having all the children reach for your hand will truly sweep you off your feet. The whole village came out to watch the match and it was well fought on both sides! Captains Zach and Riley led our team to an exhilarating “victory” in that victory means, no one twisted an ankle
and we all 100% had a great time under their leadership. We tied 3-3 before the timer got us and we all celebrated each other’s efforts that a thousand hugs and high fives for every hand within reach. They honored us with coconuts to drink from and a song and dance as we walked back to the van to head home.
The group is overcome with gratitude for the Kenyan people and their outlook on life- to see the genuine heart and kindness of them and their children makes you reflect on all that we have and what brings us real joy. It’s the simple things in life that stick with you the most and speak to the deepest depths of the soul of a person. A 32 tooth smile. A pick-up soccer match even if you’ve never played a day in your life. A child coming up from behind you and taking your hand and saying they hope you are having a good day. These are the moments and feelings we will cherish and we can’t wait for tomorrow’s adventure at the Church and to begin the mural painting!
The GV 2024 Service Team